
Why Us

We offer a platform to create multiple solutions & products catering for different customer segments and needs across Africa.

Benefits of The Card Scheme

  • The robust platform enables banks and other financial service providers integrate quickly and issue flexible card types.
  • Cost-effectiveness.
  • Provision of custom solutions to drive innovation and local digitization.
  • Global and local partnerships/synergies.
  • Card issuance to mitigate the risk of fraud and operational loss.
  • High product visibility and consumer awareness.
  • Establishment of a brand identity.
  • Leverage good client relationships to enhance value credibility, customer experience and growth.

The Domestic Card Scheme Will Ensure The Following

  • Reduction in Operational & Processing cost.
  • Flexibility in conforming to regulatory standards in Nigeria.
  • Standardization.
  • 24/7 Support.